

Cummins’ interior architecture encourages the mingling of different disciplines, sparked by the company’s belief that cross-pollinated concepts often lead to stronger ideas. A series of installations in the two entrance lobby areas and on each of the elevator lobby ceilings honors Cummins’ dedication to the exchange of free thought, while paying tribute to the work of the headquarters’ original designers.


In each of the two lobby entrances, fifty-foot black-and-white Alexander Girard inspired patterned walls (fabricated from a combination of hand-painted wood, steel and fiberglass) reveals a field of abstract color as one passes by. In the main lobby, an ovoid idea breaks out by the intersection of structured and free-form thoughts. Lastly, as employees and guests exit elevators on each floor, they are greeted by complementary, white-on-white ceiling patterns. Applied, sealed and painted, these overhead patterns vary from floor to floor and also serve as de facto way finders.


Taken as a whole, these pieces honor the spirit of collaboration advanced by the simple haiku of Cummins’ architect, Alex White:


Encounters vary.

The morning mixes. Streaming

Visions of Light.

